Tuesday, August 16, 2011

DIY Fly Trap

Howdy-ho, everyone!

Boy, the days are sure getting hot here.
And you know what the heat brings? Flies.

Well, at least at our house. (Why is that...? ;_; )

At least we are dealing with those flies and in a way that I'd like to share below!
If you are having fly problems and would like to know how to make your own cheap but effective fly trap, please read on:

Step 1:
Gather your supplies

Empty jar with wide mouth, tape, scissors, wire mesh

Step 2:
Cut the wire mesh into a circle, and cut out a triangular piece of an appr. 45 degree angle

Looks like Pac Man!

Step 3:
Roll the circular wire mesh up, overlapping it so that it creates a nice tight cone

Make sure the tip of the cone is small but not so small that flies couldn't get through it

Step 4:
Put some kind of "fly bait" at the bottom of your pickle jar.
In this case, I had some old liver we weren't going to use.
I've also used pineapple chunks + juice in the past (makes for less smelly bait)

Step 5:
Prop the conical wire mesh in the jar, tip side down.
Viola! Done.

I added some leaves of nori as an afterthought...

Flies get in but they are so stupid, the cannot find the way out again.
Sure, some might prosper quite well in the meaty paradise you've created for then, but the larvae aren't about to get out either and if you wanna drown the whole kit 'n' caboodle, just fill it with water.

That wraps up this little tutorial.
Good luck to you all and Happy Fly Trapping!!

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