Saturday, March 15, 2014

Big Saturday!

Hey hey!

So today was a gloriously warm, sunny springy day! :)

We had a lot of outdoor time today (finally planted some seeds!!), Ella's good friend over, and made another bold move in the sleeping arrangement situation: Ella's bed is now upstairs!

Check it out:
Look at all that sunlight streaming in through the window. That corner of the room is where her bed used to be.
Voila! Her bed is now in the playroom! :)

Ella and William also picked a lot of the tulips growing in our front yard. She made about four bouquets, I think.

A lovely addition to our kitchen table. Note the blinding sunlight in the background!
On the side table by our bed.
A mixture that includes roses from the Corvallis Newcomer Club luncheon this past Thursday
 Another recent addition to the playroom is a little wall hutch that I picked up off the curb the other week. It goes right above the play kitchen area to (I hope) keep the play food + utensils off the floor more.

I like it~
 Well, that is all for today.
It felt good to be back in the garden, and on the route to feeding ourselves from the garden again (even if only a little!)

I just put Ella Rose to sleep in her new quarters upstairs and so far, so good!
I hope she learns to enjoy being safe and happy in her own little bed...and room! Though I wonder what we'll do when one of the parents is out of the house for the bedtime hour... Hmmm.
Oh well, we will cross that bridge when we get there.

Until then, take care and here is one last little shot of the playroom with a funny-looking William in the frame.

He's really taken to screaming these days, so I think that is what he is doing here, too.

Have a great rest of your weekend and Happy Big Saturday!!

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