Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Four Good Things! :)

Hey everybody!

So I am here to report some Good Things that have happened to me -- and all in one day! :)

I will go in chronological order...

So, the first Good Thing to happen was I finally went to a dermatologist about this skin issue I've been having and the diagnosis was great!

You see, I haven't mentioned it on the blog, but pretty much ever since December, I've been battling with really red/bumpy cheeks and face. I thought I was picking at my face subconsciously and irritating it. Then I thought it may have been hormones from suddenly stopping breastfeeding after almost five years. Then I thought I might be suddenly gluten-intolerant (Corvallis rubbing off on me??) >_<

How it started off... Just "rosy cheeks", right? :P

Convinced that it wasn't anything serious/medical, I tried an esthetician who talked me into buying this expensive line-up of cleanser-moisturizers because she thought it was just extremely dry skin. Then when that didn't seem to be working (maybe making it worse??), I asked my mom to prescribe me oral antibiotics since I had taken them for a short spell in December and could've sworn they did the job... But after another week or zero improvement, I went with topical hydrocortison which I was applying like four times a day >_<
I had no itching, so I didn't think it was what I was looking for, my mom (a doc) encouraged me to try it
It would "seem" to be working (as did all the prior treatments) for the first day/hour/etc...but inevitably the redness would come back...and new bumps would appear!
Eventually, it got to this:
Guh, this is hard for me to look at >_< Definitely not getting better!!

Truth be told, I am still at that point because I only just found out what I am really dealing with (the Good Thing that happened this morning):


Have you ever heard of rosacea?
I had because my aunt had it and it always just looked like she had cute rosy cheeks. No big deal, right?
And then I saw this post on imgur about a girl who had rosacea and it looked like she had the Godzilla version of it, so I never considered that that could be what I was dealing with.

But lo, it is!
And it just felt so good to finally have an expert take a good hard look at it and say with confidence, "Ah yes, I see rosacea has blossomed on your face. We can take care of this."

What it means is taking metronidazole cream + an oral antibiotic for a while and being strict about protecting my face from the sun via sunscreen and wide-brimmed hats...forever!
But at least I don't have to give up gluten! Hurray! Though in terms of altering my diet, I would probably benefit from cutting back on alcohol, caffeine and other possible triggers. No harm there, though, since a little less alcohol or caffeine can only ever do good, eh? ;)

You know, reading up on rosacea now, I think I may have technically started developing it when I was pregnant with William and I started having just this little bit of redness on either side of my lips that I attributed to (you guessed it) "them crazy pregnancy hormones."
Well, now it's gone full-blown and I am just glad that I saw a specialist when I did and didn't wait any longer nor slap any other products. Guh!

So there you have it.
A long story, but only Part One of the four-part chain of Good Things that happened today :)

The next Good Thing to happen, was that I got called back from Corvallis Waldorf School, and Ella's been accepted into the kindergarten program, which starts next Fall! :)
You see, we had her little interview with the teachers (Mary and Anne Marie) just yesterday and I was already getting a little antsy, wondering if/when we'd get the okay. Not that I thought they'd call and say, "yeah, your daughter is not welcome here..." but still it was good news to hear!

Now to start the financial aid application process...heh.

Speaking of financial aid, here is Good Thing #3:
I finally heard back from Good Samaritan regarding the financial assistance I had requested in regards to the psycho bill I got for that little stint I had in the hospital last July. I was in there for a total of about four or so hours.
And guess what I was billed:

The bill came in September and I've just been reeling and ill in the stomach thinking about it.
Most expensive four hours in my life for sure.

But thank the lord, I applied for financial assistance, explained my entire financial situation...and they have agreed to foot 80% of the bill!!!!!!!
Granted that still leaves me with $900 or so pay them (which I still think is so crazy for how short my stay and how they didn't even figure out where my ailment was coming from)...but it's not $4k+ so that is good.

And speaking of money, the last Good Thing of today was....
a coupon came in the mail for the local "Natural Grocers" store for 1 lb. of organic grass-fred happy cow ground beef...for FREE.
So I will be fixing that up for tomorrow night's meal, me thinks ;)

Well, that is all for now.
What a big doozy of a day!
I must be honest, there was one shitty (literally!) thing that happened today, and that is that while at the park, William randomly crapped his pants...and it tumbled out onto the ground!!!! Oh the horror, shock, and embarrassment >_<
Thankfully, it was easy to clean and William got the clear message that we do not poop in our pants~!

I hope you have all had a good day too.
What Good Things have happened to you?

Until next time, take care and Happy Good Things!!


  1. I developed rosacea 2 years ago while pregnant with my daughter. It's so frustrating! Hope you have success!

    1. Thankfully, I have had success but am always on guard for flare ups. I suppose I could see it as a blessing in disguise since I am now triple-time careful when it comes to sun exposure. Thank you for the well wishes and good luck with yours too!!
