Wednesday, March 12, 2014


Hey all!

Man, another long absence...
Oh, well!
Back on the wagon, we go!

I just wanted to write to you about how glorious this past week has been in terms of things blossoming.
Both inside the house and out!

I'll start with outside.
The combo of rain, and sunny weather has made for a beautiful boom in all things green out in the neighborhood.
Here are some photos for you to enjoy, and for me to refer back to next winter when I am feeling hopeless that spring will ever come! :D

Our baby raspberry bushes outside our house! Courtesy of J.G. ♡

Some neighbor's beautiful blossoms.

My favorite tree around here. The beautiful 桜

As for inside the house, William has been blossoming in his speech something fierce!
Honestly, in the past week or so, he has started stringing three and sometimes four words together!
Some of my favorites have been:
Dada make pancakes.
Mama read train book.
More macaroni please.

I have tried to get all this newfound yapping on video, but it's hard to get him to "perform" in front of the camera because he automatically wants to grab it and film things himself. And when I try to work a candid camera on him, the video gets so long that I can't email myself the file to put up here. Phooie to technological inadequacies!

Oh well, I will try to get a video of him up soon, just like I did with Ella Rose when she was around his age.

Well, that is all for now.
I hope you have all been enjoying the burgeoning plantlife around here, and maybe digging into your gardens?
One last photo for you before I say adieu:
Ella Rose is a self-proclaimed "みみず protector" ♡
  Until next time, enjoy the lovely weather and Happy Blossoming!

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