Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Balance and Muesli

Hey again!

Whenever I have family over to visit, I always feel renewed in my life to strike a better balance, be a better person, and accomplish more!

So after Kathy left, I felt a renewed sense to strike a balance in my life. Mainly, between work and leisure. But also between kids and husband. And so Dash and I are working together to make that happen. Firstly, we are going back to our four-hour workday scheme, where he gets a good solid four hours of work while I watch the kids...and then I get four hours of work too! This is important because I normally (feel like I) take care of the kids the majority of the time to give Dash ample time to work...only to feel bitter later and also stressed when I end up squeezing in a project into a mere day or two.

Especially since we have just taken on a mega project that we will both be working on (me doing the translation and him doing the layout), this balance in mutual work hours is key!

Also, when watching the kids, I am going to not try to stuff the day silly with activities, but rather make my four hours with them more about them. That's another thing about when I watch the kids the majority of the day -- I then try to do more things that I want/need to do (around the house, etc) rather than engage with them. So hopefully that will improve~

Lastly, I am going to try to commit to weekly dates with Dash. Be it out of the house, or even just kicking back while the kids are at someone else's home, it will be good to have more one-on-one time with Dash out of context of work or kids. So I'll keep you posted on that. :)

In the meanwhile, I want to share with you something that Ella Rose and I made today:

It all started when we were out shopping, and she said she wanted to get a cereal she'd never had. She saw this box of muesli:

And I remembered how Martin & Sylvia (from Sparkle Stories!) eat muesli for breakfast all the time. The ingredients seemed simple enough and were things we actually had at home already, so we whipped some up for breakfast!

Our muesli included:
corn flakes
rolled oats
sliced almonds
sunflower seeds

No real measurements were done, but the main ingredient was cornflakes...

The end product was crispy and sweet and delicious!
Though Ella requested no sunflower seeds in hers next time...

We had it with milk this morning, but tomorrow I'll try it with yogurt and fresh blueberries. Yum!!

Yummy yummy yummy, I have muesli in my tummy~

Well, that's all for now.
Until next time, take care and Happy Balance and Muesli!!

1 comment:

  1. You are so inspired! I think this is my favorite post to date. It is great to hear you looking at your values of self, marriage, and family and finding what works for all parties. It is work but it makes life so worth living. One will fill you up with energy while some jobs require all your energy. If there is an imbalance you'll feel it! It's like the force from Star Wars! I practice balancing my life every day and hopefully do ok most of the time. Not always. :p. I'm so happy for you!
