Monday, August 5, 2013

DIY Fire Starters

Howdy, all!

Today I'd like to share with you a simple but effective way to upcycle some commonly trashed household items into something really useful!!

I present to you: fire starters

We've been saving our lint for a little over a year now~?

They involve two items that I'm going to assume all of us accumulate rather quickly.
And those are:
1) empty toilet paper rolls
2) dryer lint

By simply stuffing an empty roll with wads of lint, you have yourself an incredibly combustible little log that will get any fire going and going hot! We are thinking of camping later this week, so you can bet these little guys will be coming with us. I'll try to remember to take photos of them in action then!

In the meanwhile, I also want to share with you some more EC news with li'l Willy.
For the past four or five days, William has been virtually free of diapers and is traipsing around the house in his adorable little boy briefs.

Downward dog

There have been no poopy diapers for over a week, and an average of about only one or two misses a day. What really led to this recent spike in EC reliability is his willingness to try the potty when we offer it, coupled with him taking the initiative of walking over to the potty and banging on the top of it to signal that he'd like to go.
We are so thrilled!!
He was even accident-free the entire 7 hours we were gone for our date on Saturday -- wow!!

So yeah, at this rate I am hoping that we can enjoy an upcoming family of diapers.
We'll see, because I gotta admit that in social settings, it can be hard to remember to keep his elimination needs in mind. I just get so caught up in the convo!!

Anyway, that is all for now.
Hope you are all having a good start to your week, and until next time take care and Happy DIY Fire Starters!

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