Tuesday, June 11, 2013

EC Progress~!

Hey everybody!

So I thought I'd give you all an update as to how William's journey in elimination communication (EC) is going.

For a quick rundown of what EC is all about you can check out this post though obviously our strategy with William has been a little different.
Firstly, I started sooner (aka first week of life) and also we haven't rocked the floor-potty as much as the seat-insert because I was not looking forward to having to lug around one of those for outings again.

Every morning with William
Much like with Ella, we always start the day off with a trip to the bathroom so that he can relieve his bladder after a night of sleep. Truth be told, at least a couple of days a week he'll wake up in the same dry diaper we put him in the night before, so that's a good sign that his bladder continence is doing well.

During this time, we mainly read books or play "this little piggy" and other baby games to keep his experience pleasant and relaxed. And we always point out when he begins urinating with, "William's going pee-pee!" so that he gets the connection right away.

Aside from that, most of the day is pretty diaper-reliant unless we're outside and the weather's great, at which point he enjoys a lot of diaper-free time. And there's been a pretty cool development as of this week! When I'm outside and say "William let's go pee-pee on the grass", he's been responding quite well! I'll assume a squat and point to the grass, and he'll come over and squat too and pee if there's anything in his bladder! So that's been a pretty good milestone, in my opinion. :)

Maybe it's the very hot/dry weather we've been having, but it seems he's been able to go longer before eliminating so if I can just start making bathroom trips even more of a regular thing, that should cut down on diaper use even more~

A little dazed, but happy!
So yep!
That's all I have to say about that~
If you have little diaper-clad ones, are you trying any EC?
Like I say, just keeping the mind-bladder connection alive and well is going to help wonders with getting your kiddo out of diapers sooner than not~

Until next time, take care and Happy EC Progress!

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