Monday, March 25, 2013

Favorite Quotes

Hello again,

(Not to jinx myself, but I think I'm back on the horse again with these daily updates!! :) )

Today, I'd like to share with you quotes that I love.
I never really appreciated the power of these short little sayings until I "grew up" and by that, I mean that last couple of years (I guess having kids makes you a grown-up, right?)
Anyway, without further ado, here they are in no particular order:

"Don't try to be different. Just be good. To be good is different enough." Arthur Freed

This quote recently came into my life, but I wish I had been told something like this during my teenage years. I was soooooo focused on being "different" and "standing out", and I thought I was lame for being a bit of a "goody two-shoes". But when I got out into the world more, I realized that chances are you are going to be coming across people who aren't that concerned with being "good" -- they are looking out for number one and number one, alone. So being good can actually set you apart more...

"The reason we struggle with insecurity is because we compare our behind the scenes with everyone else’s highlight reel." – Steve Furtick

Also new to me, as of this year, and so true! I guess having lived in L.A. and been pretty TV-centric most of my life, this really spoke to me. I tend to assume that everybody else has their shit together and just has all the answers, while I'm floundering still trying to figure out who/how I want to be and making that a consistent thing, rather than try-and-fail scenario. Anyway, keeping this quote in mind keeps things in better perspective for me.

"You must be the change you want to see in the world." Mahatma Gandhi

A classic, I know, but damn good words to live by. Sometimes, when the earth-conscious way I do things is challenging and I wonder if it's worth the extra effort it sometimes takes, I think about this quote and remind myself that if the world's going to get any better, it's gotta start with all of us and our individual actions. 

"Stoop, pick, turn, toss. This is the way we mourn our loss." — Scavenger dirge

Okay, this is a goofy one, but I got it from a Magic Card (see below) back when I was into it (circa...7th grade?) and just thought this quote was so bleak and yet charming in its lyrical nature. What a sad life a culture would lead if that was all its people had to say about the death of a member, right?

"I believe in preserving the world for our children, but not our children's children, because I don't think children should be having sex."

Another goofy one that I got off this "inspirational poster" in my high school English teacher's classroom. I guess it was what you'd call a "demotivational poster" -- pre-Internet! As you can see, I don't remember who can be credited with this line. If you know who, please let me know!! :)

Well, that's the line-up of quotes for now.
I would love to hear favorite quotes of yours -- funny, inspirational, whatever!

Until next time, take care and Happy Quotes!!


  1. Nice bunch of quotes!
    You got a little bit of a typo in the second one, though.

    Also, I have to disagree with your line about how having kids makes you a grown-up. There are so many things that make one an adult (if we need to try and justify it), and that statement you made is one of the very COMMON misconceptions that people who choose not to have kids will never technically be adults.

    1. Thanks for point out the typo -- it's been fixed!

      And by my line about having kids making you a grown-up, I just meant that of all the things I've done since I've technically become a grown-up (at 18 years of age, so says the law) I haven't felt "grown-up" until I finally was responsible for these kiddos' lives. So in my own life, that was what it took to feel that I might qualify as an adult...though some days I don't even know if that's done it ;)
