Wednesday, March 20, 2013

My Sis Got Married!

Hey everybody!

So wow, I have been bad, bad, bad about making daily posts.
But I think this event might have had something to do with it.
See, my sister got married a week ago (!!) but didn't want me to blog about it until she'd officially left her job -- technicalities surrounding the fact that her beau works in the same company, etc etc.
So it's been taking the forefront of my mind as I've been counting down the days to when I can finally blog about it!

And now, without further ado, please enjoy these photos of the two's happy union!

This is a bouquet that our mom had sent to Kathy for the occasion. Wasn't that thoughtful of her??
You see, our mom is pretty traditional in that she believes that a marriage must take place in a church to be seen as "legitimate in the eyes of God". So when Kathy notified her that they'd be forgoing an all-out wedding in favor of just by the Justice of the Peace, she was a little disappointed to say the least...
And yet she still went out of her way to send her this beautiful bouquet for Kathy to hold on that day just to make it that much more special. And she even sent a matching boutonniere for the groom! Isn't that the sweetest thing?? Gosh, I hope I am as thoughtful when my kiddos get married -- even if it's in a way not totally in-line with my beliefs/expectations/etc. That's the role of the parent, though, right? All-supportive and showering unconditional love, right?

Anyway, moving on...

So as I mentioned above, Kathy and Martin (that's my new bro-in-law's name!) were married by the Justice of the Peace. That means they got to be wed in about 5 minutes (nice!) and by a woman (nicer!!) Apparently, the lady was really friendly and nonjudgmental. Didn't even raise an eyebrow when Kathy let her know there wouldn't be any rings involved.
That's right, no rings because a) they didn't want to rush the decision and b) they generally don't believe it's a must-have for their new married lifestyle. I can definitely see the pros and cons to having a ring, myself, so I didn't argue with her either. I personally think a tattoo around the finger is a good way to go because you don't have to worry about having this (potentially) expensive piece of metal around your finger getting lost or anything! Myself, I take my ring off a lot, like when I shower or do the dishes, and my finger has evidently shed some weight since I first got it fitted because it's just a taaaaad lose now, which makes me extremely conscious about it slipping off and getting lost. "Any day now...!" I keep telling myself.

Anyway, back to the ceremony at hand: Kathy wore a dress of mine that I bought in NYC way back when and that hairpiece was something we found in a mall in Melbourne, Australia when we taught a Translation Workshop back in '05...but that's a story for another day ;)
All in all, doesn't she look lovely~? ♡
And Martin looks content, and maybe a little serious about the matter. Ah well, that's his style I guess :)

What a cute shot, right? Personally, the concrete pillars outside take a bit of the romance away, but at least the right-half of the photo is nice, eh? :)

The happy couple once again~ ♡
Apparently, following the short ceremony, they had some to hold their own mini photoshoot. I think Kathy said there were about 300 photos total (??) but she only sent the best handful to the family.
I applaud them for the nice composition of this one.
Martin can pull off the "serious-smile" thing pretty well as you can see in this shot - ha! :D

The happy newly-wed. What a pretty, young thing.
Congratulations, Kathy! I love you!!!!

I found this union to be very "Kathy" in its unconventionality. See, both Kathy and Martin like to really research a thing to death before going ahead with it (be it a purchase or what-have-you) and marriage was no different. At first, Kathy was tempted to go the "Off-Beat Bride" way and make it more DIY and unconventional in the choice of dress and location, etc. But the deeper they delved into what typically constitutes a "marriage ceremony" the more they questioned why it had to be any of that at all...and if that was really in-line with their own values and lifestyle. So she forwent the expensive wedding dress you only wear once, the rings containing blood diamonds, the gratuitous dinner party complete with vexing albeit "obligatory" invites, the materialistic color-themed decor, the sugar-laden cake, the pricey photographer, and everything else that people have been raised to thing are "necessary" to getting married. I don't blame her -- it saved a lot of stress, hassle, money, and energy. Sure, most people want to share the news of their lifelong commitment with everybody they know in the form of a wedding celebration, but Kathy and Martin are too modest for that and honestly a bit on the loner side so they didn't feel the need to  make the event about other people. Just about themselves.
And that is just fine with me :)

Well, I hope you enjoyed all those photos, and wish the best of luck to this new married team.

Until next time, take care and Happy Marriages!

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