Saturday, March 23, 2013

Organizing the Closet

Hey, all!

I don't know about you, but I've got Spring Cleaning Fever~!
The urge to organize even the most seemingly insignificant space in my house has taken hold, and so far I've tackled my "grooming dresser" (a narrow set of drawers where I keep my hair/jewelry stuff) and William's closet (so long overdue!). Here, I'd like to share with you how the closet turned out.
(Sorry I didn't take a "Before" shot...just imagine a buncha clothes all thrown helter-skelter in the closet ;) )

Those Cutie boxes have come in handy once again, as they are just the right size for holding little baby clothes. Behold:

The top shelf (from left to right) is:
- random pile of socks that are missing their partner
- Animal Crackers tub full of briefs (size 2T and smaller~! Operation EC and diaper-free is on!)
- Cuties Box of socks/legwarmers (as seen back on this post once already)

The middle shelf is:
- long-sleeved shirts
- short-sleeved shirts
- shorts

The bottom shelf is:
- sweaters
- pants
- pants that don't fit in the first pants box (heh!)

Hanging in the closet are his button-up/zip-up sweaters, overalls, and toesies suits

Aaaah, nothing like being organized, eh?
It helps you better grasp what exactly you have in your wardrobe so that you don't keep reaching for the same thing over and over (the last thing you wore, which you then put at the top of the pile...and therefore wear again, etc etc).
It also made me reassess William's entire clothing inventory to see what he has outgrown, or what I never dress him because it doesn't really work for us (too many buttons or plain ugly, etc).
Any clothes that didn't make the mark have been bagged and stored in the attic in preparation for...the Spring Mama/Child Clothing Swap!!

Have you ever partaken in a Clothing Swap? Sometimes called "Naked Lady Party", a clothing swap is basically what it sounds like -- a bunch of friends come together bringing clothes they don't need/want anymore, everyone goes through the goods to find things they like, and everyone leaves with some new additions to their wardrobe! All with no money involved at all. It's a win-win situation as unwanted clothes find a new life in a new home, and ladies get a new wardrobe, without having to pay a dime.

I first went to one hosted by my midwife, Ellie Rose, back in February when I was very pregnant with William and getting ready to go on a trip to Spain with the hubby. It felt so refreshing to get so many lovely clothes and all from the generosity of others, that I was inspired to host my own at a local Church that following September. It was such a success that I decided it should become a bi-annual thing, so the Spring Mama/Child Clothing Swap is coming up in one month. And word is already spreading pretty fast! I am looking forward to it and hope that it benefits many lovely ladies in our community.

Anyway, you'll be hearing about it on here again.
Until then, take care and Happy Closet Organizing!!

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