Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Yogurt Extreme

Bon jour, everyone!

After yesterday's text-heavy recount of William's birth, I thought I'd show you what we actually did to celebrate the little guy on his big 1st birthday. Complete with a plethora of photos!!

After a dinner of his favorite fare (rice & beans!) we hit up our new favorite birthday destination: Yogurt Extreme!
If you don't know about Yogurt Extreme, it's a local chain of "fix your own froyo" that was started by two women! So that's two wins in my book: local and with women founders? I'm there!!

I was feeling more "fruity" than "chocolatey" last night :)

It wasn't until we dropped by there for Dash's birthday that we learned you get 10 oz. free on your birthday! So we went again for Ella's birthday, and now William (even though he didn't get a helping for himself...)

He did get all the fruits/bobas in my bowl though ;)
I don't even remember how many toppings they offer, but it's a lot. I stocked up on blueberries, strawberries, banana, strawberry mochi, and strawberry bobas on top of sugar-free strawberry froyo. Yum!!!!!!

Something about Ella and I in this shot make us looks so gangsta. Ha!

Ella Rose was without much supervision at the toppings stations and piled her chocolate froyo with gummy butterflies, nerds, vanilla wafers, and bobas too... Bleeegh, I am not a fan of mixing fruits with chocolate, so that combo of gummies on chocolate froyo is very gross to me. Though I ended up eating what she couldn't finished anyway...

Well, as you can imagine after that sugar overload, the kiddos passed right out at home, and Dash and I enjoyed a romantic evening by ourselves...
To "offset" all that indulgence, it helped that we rode our bikes there and back and you can look forward to more non-car outings because guess what! We are carfree again!!! If you don't count the RV, which I don't because I can't drive stick. Ha! So yeah, perfect timing for the good weather a-comin'~

Anyway, until next time, I hope you have a great rest of your week and check out Yogurt Extreme!
William says bye-bye~~~! :
Ya'll come back now, ya' hear?

1 comment:

  1. Looks yummy! It's nice to find another froyo store to go to that's just nearby. Actually, there are many froyo stores that's owned by locals more than most people realize. A franchise doesn't have to be fully owned by the company, they can be part-corporate and part-local. There are more froyo stores in your area that's actually locally owned and operated. Each franchise's guidelines differ from company to company, and most of them allow a lot of freedom for their franchisees.

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