Monday, April 29, 2013

Back From the Dead

 Good morning, everyone~

You'll have to excuse the long absence.
To be honest, the posts that went up last week had all been written ahead of time and scheduled, and a good thing too! I was in such a strange state since the Clothing Swap -- low energy, achey, no appetite, abdominal pain -- that I just didn't have the wherewithal to be posting any updates...
If it weren't for the scheduling function, there would've been zippo posts all last week, I'm sure!

But! As you can tell now, I am back and feeling 100% again~!
I would like to recap the events of last week with you since it was a doozie of a week:

Firstly, the weather has been glorious

Sunday, Monday, Tuesday = nearly comatose, laid up in bed for the most part, even cancelled some work, but then also stuck on the computer completing a translation project. So a weird combo of ailing but busy...hmm.

Wednesday = met with some mama friends in the park, then went to friend Sophie's for "knitting night" and to celebrate my birthday!! :) I had the best time: delicious sangrias, meeting new folksies, reconnecting with others, feeling generally loved in all directions ♡♡♡ Oh, and then there were "special" brownies ☆☆☆...of which I had quite a number...and which I can blame for what happened next...

Thursday = my birthday (big ol' 29!) spent in a dazed stupor that was something like a hangover or just that general weakness that had afflicted me earlier in the week. @_@ I took like two 2-hour naps, fell asleep at 7:30pm, and could barely register anything being said to me. Nor did I have much appetite, because Dash made this super chocolate cake for me...and I didn't even want to eat it! If you know me, I'm not about to turn down cake, so this was pretty serious for me.

We did manage to take a walk though...
(and this is why we don't have a cat -- the neighborhood cats
are our pseudo-pets!)

Friday = pretty much the same as Thursday, but a liiiiiittle bit better. We went to Yogurt Extreme, which is becoming something of a tradition around our birthdays. Which means we patronize that place a lot in the matter of a couple of weeks.

Saturday = back in action! Phew! Finally!! We went to the Farmer's Market and reconnected with lots of folksies; Dash resuscitated a Burley that'd we come into possession of (see below); and then the day culminated with an impromptu potluck at a friend's house. All in all, a great end to a topsy-turvy week.

This photo doesn't do justice to all the time and work Dash
put into scrubbing the years of grime and stuff off this trailer

Sunday = yesterday, and a day of Church-going + nature-walking!! We hit up Bald Hill and here are some photos that encapsulate the aura there:

Dashiells traipsing along~
Like some kind of Unicorn forest~~

Nursing at the summit!
 It was William's first time walking on very uneven ground, and it was pretty challenging for him, but he did well! Not too many foreign objects ended up in his mouth, which is always a good sign. I'd also packed a pretty creative lunch which I was proud of: peanut butter balls and onigiri, with apple slices, grapes, banana, and pretzel sticks to round it off. YUM!!

Well, here is to a new week of good energy, good weather, and not too much busy-ness!
Until tomorrow, take care and welcome Back From the Dead!

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