Saturday, May 25, 2013

Homemade Bean Bags!

Howdy ya'll~!

I guess I'm on some kind of crafting streak because I'd like to share with you something else that I whipped up recently.
It's homemade bean bags!!

The notion of homemade bean bags first came to me when Ella Rose received some friend her friend Moses (crafted by his mama Brooke) for her 2nd birthday. They are so simple, yet lovely and SUCH a hit with the kids no matter what the age!! Kids can throw them without really hurting anyone/anything, and they can practice tossing them into a ring or bucket or something. They're just oodles of fun.

So last month I made my first set for a friend's 2-year-old, which I didn't take any photos of so I can't share those, but they had the Walking Dead Bears on them, which was fun :D

And I have to say I didn't follow any tutorial as they are pretty simple and logical. Pretty much they are like those heart valentines I made before, only square-shaped and filled with split peas instead of cotton fluff.

So here are the ones I just whipped up yesterday for a little 1-year-old's birthday party we are going to today. I hope he enjoys them and maybe even learns some simple shapes through them. Heh. There are 6 bean bags, with the shapes of circles, squares, triangles, crescents, hearts, and stars. :)

And off I go to the party now~!
Have fun and Happy Bean Bags~!

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