Saturday, January 30, 2016

Date Night!

'ey 'ey!

So, last night had the honor and privilege of enjoying another date night with the love of my life.
Could this become something of a pattern? A date every fortnight sounds like a wonderful thing for any marriage. :)

So what did our date consist of?
Well, we caught some more theater, this time at Darkside Cinema, and it was the 2016 Oscar Nominated Animated Shorts.
We had watched the animated shorts nominees two years ago, I want to say, and it really is very awe-inspiring to see the kinds of clever stories and masterful animated work that studios are capable of today.

It was also really enjoyable because I overly indulged myself and ate not one but three bags of candy during the whole presentation. :D I'm terrible, but I totally loved it.

After that, we then headed to Koriander, this funky little "asian fusion and italian gelato" restaurant. I'm gonna be honest, the terrible logo and complicated menu angle had always kept me away from the place, but Dash insisted and boy am I glad we went with Koriander for our dinner :D
Don't I look classy? Ha.

And da food.

Mmmm tonkatsu and pad thai!!

Remember, I had a belly full of candy in it, so needless to say we took a lot of it home.
But I was feeling particularly gluttonous, apparently, because we still went to Shari's for pie to top it all off.
Lemon meringue. Mm-MM!

So yeah, I was pretty bursting at that point, but all that the evening called for after that was snuggling with Dash in bed while we watched X-Files episodes (both old and new!).

I was (and still am!) feeling great, and I just know this weekend is only going to get better!! :)

Oh! Really quick, today was having lunch with the wonderful Miss Erika Schoell, getting the house ready in more ways for our coming visitors, and dropping off Ella at sweet Clara's house for a cool art session.

I guess they have a natural attraction to animal prints?

What fashionable girls, right?
A'ight, and with that I am gonna peel off and wish you all a great night, take care, and Happy Date Night!

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