Saturday, January 9, 2016

Doctor Day & Sewing Saturday

Hello hello!

Sorry I missed another day. Ha!
To make up for it, I'll recount how yesterday went here.

As the title suggests, Friday was a day of doctor stuff. Which does not happen often in our family, I must say.

Myself, I decided to pick a general care physician (for once) and about getting a referral to have my rosacea checked out.
Some of you may remember my post about rosacea roughly two years ago. Well, although I was (am?) on a regiment to manage it, it really is an up-and-down thing, and I want to see if I can get to the bottom of what exactly makes it flare up, the times that it does.

Then, we decided to take William in to see the physician after battling with what we were sure was an ear infection that simply would not quit.
Turns out he had a case of strep throat! After a quick 24-hour treatment, he is already so much more like his old self than he's been all week. Phew! Hopefully that means a more sound sleep for all of us too~!!

So, as for today, I have truly been indulging in the ways that Saturdays should be about:
relaxing by listening to my podcasts as I finally tackle all the sewing projects I've left hanging.
That's because I also finally unpacked and turned on the sewing machine I bought back in November.
I actually broke my personal tradition of celebrating "Buy Nothing Day" on Black Friday, and purchased it that very day from the local vacuum/sewing machine shop. D'oh!

Anyway, as for the sewing, it's really all been only mending. Granted, I do try to make even mended patches looks stylish ;)

I typically favor star shapes, and sharp-contrast against the original color - ha!

I mended three of Ella's pants, two of William's, two of Dash's, and two from the Clothing Swap that I will be returning to it.
Phew! That's a lot of mending!!
I love mending clothes over chucking them in favor of new items of clothing, that's for sure.
In fact, here is something nifty I just came up with this past week:

Mmm, fuzzy and warm woold!

Maybe you recognize what these handwarmers were originally made of.
That's right -- it's a pair of Dash's old holey socks!!
A little snip here, a little snip there and viola! I finally have a set of my handwarmers again. :)

Well, I do feel accomplished with all this mending, and will probably spend the rest of my evening keeping it up!

Til next time, take care and Happy Doctor Day & Sewing Saturday

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