Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Springs Begins in January

Hey, all~!

My what nice weather we've been having these past couple of days.
That thing is happening again where signs of spring are in the air and on the ground in the jolly month of January.

We took a walk to the Arts Center for Ella's first pottery class, and here are some sights we enjoyed:

Knowing our neighbor's yards pattern,s these will be yellow crocuses!

This one lawn further down the street is always littered with purple crocuses, every year!

Close up the little lovely crocus.
Crocuses were never such a big part of my life before moving here.
Maybe it's a PNW thing, and not an Upstate New York thing. Or maybe I was just never as observant.

Either way, I love them because they signal to me that yes, spring is just around the corner.

We also learned a sweet little diddy about crocuses back in Little Acorns which goes something like this:

Little crocus, little crocus
Rising with the sun.
Little crocus, little crocus
Curl up when day is done. 

That second line may actually be "open with the sun"...I'm not quite sure.

Either way, it's beautiful out there, so if you are in the area, get outside, get into nature, and make your own discoveries.
Quiz: who am I quoting? ;)

Really though, until next time, take care and Happy Spring Begins in January!!

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