My, what a day!
High of 88 degrees and a mixture of fun and productivity and personal endeavors and progress!!
Firstly, I got to spend a couple of hours this morning with the sweet Karen C. who helped me start my journey of tackling my favorite song from R&M: Do You Feel It? by Chaos Chaos.
On the piano!!
It's amazing. I feel like I'm at a first grade (max!) level when it comes to reading music and Karen's there are college graduate level reading and performing a beautiful piece without having even ever heard it before~!!!
Then I got some work done, created some key pieces for tomorrow's Clothing Swap, and then...the icing on the cake:
Yahoo!! |
Yeah, that's right.
It's a new copy of my Spanish birth certificate which was the last piece of documentation I needed to be ready for our cita with the Spanish Consulate in two weeks in San Francisco.
After anxiously waiting two months for this, I am finally all ready for proceeding with getting the kids' Spanish citizenship arranged and even getting our own Libro de Familia -- buya!!!
We also topped the night off with pizza and wine, so I'm gonna sign off early tonight.
Thanks for stopping by, take care and Happy Certificado Literal de Nacimiento!!
Hooray!!! :D