Thursday, June 9, 2016

Rose Ceremony

Hi hi!

So today was a sweet ceremony at CWS.
The Rose Ceremony is an opportunity for the first graders to give thanks to their 8th Grade Buddies who will be graduating from CWS, by presenting a rose to them in the same way that the 8th graders had presented roses to them in the fall.

The 8th grade class with corresponding 1st grade buddies in front of them

Ella's 8th Grade Buddy was Kayley, a super confident and smart and talented young lady with whom I feel Ella had an instant connection. Kayley's really into birds and is an excellent artist. Her 8th Grade Mentoring Project consisted of learning all about falconing and it seems she really got into the culture of it and became quite an expert herself! I have a feeling this girl is going to go places!! :)

Ella and her classmate William shared Kayley as their 8th Grade Buddy

I didn't see it, but Ella apparently cried a bit during the ceremony.
The class recited a blessing/poem for them, and the whole time Ella was looking right at Kayley.
I really hope we can stay in touch even after she moves on to high school!

As I'd mentioned before, I'd been working on making these origami stars for a gift to the 8th graders I am most acquainted with, so this morning Ella and I strung them into crowns and gave them to them at morning drop-off.

My hope is that they'll want to wear them at graduation and look like the shining stars that they are! :)

Well, until then, thanks for stopping by, take care, and Happy Rose Ceremony!!

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