Tuesday, February 12, 2013

First Steps!!

Howdy howdy!

It's happened!
Today, William has officially taken his first steps!!
By no means am I going to say "he's started walking" because these are really just little baby steps (literally) but the prospects are good.

Behold the video evidence:

(The coughy/unhappy version)
And forgive my poor camerawoman work -- I randomly decided to rotate the camera sideways. Smart one, Chrissy. Really.

Just a couple more steps. All taken sideways again.

And this is him just being cute with our prayer bowl:

Okay, so it's just a couple of steps.
But it's exciting!!
He'll be 10 months by the end of the week, so he's holding true to the Ella Rose "standard" -- that is, Ella Rose was taking her first steps at this age too. And I think I've mentioned before how much I'd hoped that his milestones would be in synch with Ella's...because I don't trust myself to remember two unique times. Now I only need to remember "before they were 10 months old" and it applies to both kids! Score!

Well, I hope you enjoyed my lopsided videos and are having a lovely evening.
Until next time, Happy Walking!!!!

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