Thursday, January 10, 2013

William & The Stairs

Heyas, everybody!

He's finally done it!
William's learned how to go down the stairs~!

I taught him to go up the stairs soon after he started crawling, and now he's got the other half of the equation down.
I recorded him today in two videos.

Nothing like a mikan to motivate him~

Yes, that is Mario on the WiiU we are playing :)

It's a lot more reassuring to know that soon William will be able to encounter stairs anywhere and know what to do with them, instead of falling down them and hurting himself.
And boy does he get a kick out of it! :)

Well, I'm going to watch some BBC Sherlock season 2 now (more on that another time, for sure!!)
So until next time, Happy Stair Climbing!! 

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